What Should You Look For In An Oral Surgeon In Denton, TX?

oral surgeon performing dental procedure

Finding an oral surgeon is easier than ever today, just ask Google. But knowing what to look for in an oral surgeon can be more difficult. What exactly should one look for in an oral surgeon?

Here in Denton, Texas, we believe in solid qualifications, having a strong reputation, and excellent bedside manners are all important qualities of an oral surgeon. This is some of the things that you should look for in your new oral surgeon!

Solid Qualifications

Not only should oral surgeons have to go to dental school, but they should also have hospital-based experience and a wealth of knowledge on various conditions. They should also have special pieces of training that go beyond what they learn in school. Most of all, having practical experience in whatever they are claiming to be good at such as dental implants, sedation, TMJ trauma healing, etcetera.

In school, oral surgeons should attempt to take part in a hospital-based surgical residency program. This can provide practical experience to someone who may not have their own practice quite yet. Through this experience, oral surgeons should become more confident in what they learned and in being able to apply their practice outwards. 

Knowing as much as possible about various conditions that impact the oral and maxillofacial area is also important. From dental implants to tooth extractions, TMJ disorders, and corrective jaw surgery, oral surgeons have to treat all these conditions and more.

A Strong Reputation and Good Bedside Manners

Having the credentials is important. What is also important is a doctor’s ability to connect with their patients. Having a high rate of success with various conditions shown through solid patient testimonials is a great way to understand this.

Doctors rely on real patients they have worked with for their testimonials. Seeing what is being said or possibly what is not being said through these testimonials can help illuminate a doctor’s reputation and bedside mannerism.

If a doctor is truly dedicated to providing the best quality care, they will go the extra steps to get a board certification from the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. This organization is not required for oral surgeons but proves the oral surgeon you are working with is committed to the highest quality care through continuing education, an adaptation of practices to new technologies, and so on.

Finding Your Oral Surgeon In Denton, Texas

If you are in search of a doctor who fits these criteria in Denton, Texas, consider the Texas Center for Oral Surgery and Dental Implants. Dr. Aaron Vickers and Dr. Tamir D. Anver both are board-certified oral surgeons with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. With both having had hospital residencies and having been placed with over two thousand dental implants each, they will fit the mold of excellent oral surgeons.

If you would like to make an appointment to meet with one of these doctors, consider contacting us by calling (940) 514-8882 for our Denton office. We are always happy to take on new patients and strive to provide the best quality care to all who visit us!

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