Under What Circumstances Would My Wisdom Tooth Removal In Denton, TX Need To Be Done In Sections?


Wisdom tooth removals in Denton, TX are a dental procedure that removes problematic wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are often deeply impacted, requiring careful consideration and specialized techniques in order to properly extract them. Curious to learn in more detail what circumstances would lead to wisdom tooth removals having to be performed in sections. Here are the circumstances under which wisdom tooth removals would need to be done in sections.

The Circumstances Where My Wisdom Tooth Removal In Denton, TX Would Need To Be Done In Sections

There are a number of circumstances under which wisdom tooth removals would need to be done in sections. The following are the main circumstances under which wisdom tooth removals would need to be done in sections.

Wisdom Teeth Are Deeply Impacted:

Wisdom teeth that are deeply impacted are not fully erupted through the gumline and may be situated deep within the jawbone. Deeply impacted wisdom teeth may be difficult to access and extract in one piece. The oral surgeon will need to remove the wisdom tooth in sections in order to minimize trauma to the patients surrounding oral tissues.

Deeply impacted wisdom teeth will also be hard to access and are not visible because they are positioned in a way that hinders them be extracted in one piece. Sectional wisdom tooth removals allow the oral surgeon to work with smaller, more manageable portions of the patient’s wisdom tooth, especially in cases where the wisdom teeth are not easily accessible or visible.

Surrounding Tooth Structures Are Compromised:

Wisdom teeth may be in close proximity to important oral structures, such as nerves or sinuses. To avoid damage to nearby nerves, sinuses, or other vital structures, oral surgeons will remove wisdom teeth that are dangerously close to important oral structures in sections.

When removing wisdom teeth that are compromising surrounding oral structures, the oral surgeon will preserve the integrity of the patient’s jawbone. In cases where preserving the integrity of the patient’s jawbone is a priority, sectional wisdom tooth removals allows the oral surgeon to perform a more controlled and strategic wisdom tooth removal.

To Enhance Surgical Precision:

Wisdom teeth may have irregular or unpredictable root formations. With sectional wisdom tooth removals, the oral surgeon will have enhanced surgical precision when they are dealing with irregular wisdom tooth structures. Sectional wisdom tooth removals allow the oral surgeon to carefully manage and remove each segment of the wisdom tooth.

For Patient Comfort And Safety:

In order to keep patients comfortable and safe, their problematic wisdom teeth can be removed in sections. The skilled and trusted oral surgeon prioritizes wisdom tooth removal techniques that minimizes the patient’s discomfort, reduces their recovery time, and ensures the overall well-being of the patient throughout the entire procedure process.

See Us Now So We Can Give You A Sectional Wisdom Tooth Removal

Sectional wisdom tooth removals become necessary under specific circumstances, such as having deeply impacted wisdom teeth, having limited access to wisdom teeth, having compromised surrounding teeth, the need to preserve the jawbone, and having irregular wisdom tooth root formations. By getting a sectional wisdom tooth removal at our caring and dedicated practice, you will have a precise procedure experience.

Why wait to transform your smile with us? Get in contact with Dr. Aaron Vickers, Dr. Tamir D. Anver, and our exceptional team at our Texas Center for Oral Surgery & Dental Implants practice to schedule an appointment today!

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