Benefit from a Skilled Oral Surgeon in Dallas Today

dentist holding image of jawHave you recently been told that you need to visit an oral surgeon in Dallas for a procedure? If so, you may be a bit confused as to why one is needed. Depending on the situation, it is better to have a skilled specialist who is experienced in more complex issues to handle the treatment. In addition to the removal of wisdom teeth, they can also perform an array of treatments, such as biopsies and bone grafting.

How is an Oral Surgeon Different?

A general dentist can perform a diversity of procedures; however, there may come a time when you need a treatment that is beyond their scope of expertise. As a result, you will be referred to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

They are trained to treat several medical and dental conditions that relate to the facial structures and the jaw. In addition, they use state-of-the-art technologies and the most advanced methods to promote the function and aesthetics of the jaw and facial structures.

Why Do I Need an Oral Surgeon?

There are several procedures that an oral surgeon performs that may not be available with your general dentist, including:

Tooth Extractions: When a complex or surgical extraction of a tooth is needed, it is best to see an oral surgeon. Generally, a sedative will be needed to make the procedure more comfortable while they carefully remove the tooth and suture the gum tissue closed.

Dental Implants: An oral surgeon is specially trained to precisely place dental implants in Dallas into the jawbone to promote the long-term success of the procedure.

Oral Biopsy: If an oral cancer screening has found a suspicious area of tissue, an oral surgeon will remove a portion of it to send to a dental lab for testing. This is often needed if there are cysts, mouth sores, unusual patches of tissue, or growths in the oral cavities.

Bone Grafting: If you suffer from decreased bone density or have experienced trauma to the jawbone, an oral surgeon will graft new bone to increase its strength. This can be used prior to the placement of dental implants or to help treat thinned bone for long-term denture wearers.

Sinus Lift: The maxillary sinus is located above the roots of the upper molars. When bone recession occurs, a dental implant cannot be placed until after the bone depth has been increased. An oral surgeon will use a bone grafting procedure to increase its height.

Where Can I Find an Oral Surgeon?

If your dentist has recommended that you visit an oral surgeon, it is best to take the time to find one who is specially trained and experienced in oral and maxillofacial issues to promote the success of the treatment.

About Dr. Christopher Bao Brown

Dr. Christopher Bao Brown received his dental degree from the University of Maryland and completed an internship in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery to offer a broad scope of surgical skills. If you need an oral surgery, contact Texas Center For Oral Surgery and Dental Implants to schedule a consultation.



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