Have You Had Your Oral Pathology Exam?
It’s too important to ignore—book yours now.
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According to the American Cancer Society, more than 53,000 Americans will get oral cancer this year and about 20% of them will die from their condition.
While oral cancer rates for men are double those of women, it’s important for everyone to be checked for symptoms during recurring exams. Oral pathology exams are an essential practice we provide to patients here at the Texas Center for Oral Surgery and Dental Implants. During these exams we look for discolored areas of or unusual growths on your gums, tongue, palate, neck, and face. To prevent harmful oral pathology in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area come see us.
As oral and maxillofacial surgeons our expertise extends far beyond the condition of your teeth. We’re medical doctors who completed four-year hospital-based residencies as part of our specialty training. We’re also on staff at multiple hospitals in the area and, when needed, can use their more extensive facilities to treat you.
If we notice an area of concern during an oral pathology exam, we’ll remove it and perform an in-house biopsy to look for harmful cells. Based on our findings, we can recommend a course of treatment for you or, in more complex cases, refer you to a trusted medical specialist.
While oral health conditions are sometimes due to hereditary factors beyond your control, there are some measures you can take in your daily life to reduce your risk of developing oral cancer. For example:
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