Your dental implants aren’t just an investment in your smile; they are a long-term self-commitment to maintaining your oral and physical health. While the implant procedure itself is important, what you do when you’re not in the dental chair matters.
If you’re ready to start some lifestyle changes that can help make your dental implants last longer, continue reading.
Get Into the Habit of Oral Care
Regular oral care is crucial when you have dental implants. It helps prevent complications that can compromise the stability of your implants. Here are the three best ways to get your oral health in check:
Quit Smoking, Limit Alcohol
Smoking and excessive alcohol are detrimental to both your health. They can have particularly negative results on the success of your dental implants.
In addition, stay away from mouthwashes that contain alcohol. These can cause dry mouth, accelerating bacteria production in your mouth.
Improve Your Diet and Exercise Routine
Your body is like an ATM machine, what you put into it is what you can draw out. If you want to start accumulating health “interest” you’ll have to consistently do good things for yourself like eating well and exercising. How you treat your body matters for the success of dental implants.
Your dental implants are more than just artificial teeth; they’re a part of you. By enacting positive lifestyle changes, you can continue to support your dental implants through good health. If you ever need help, reach out to your dentist for recommendations and instructions. With excellent care, your dental implants will last a lifetime.
About the Author
Dr. Tamir Anver is a passionate oral surgeon with years of experience with complex oral health cases. He has a doctorate in both dental and medical oral surgery and completed his residency at the prestigious University of Alabama at Birmingham. To schedule a dental implant consultation at Texas Center For Oral Surgery and Dental Implants, call (972) 436-1513 or visit the website to learn more.