Under What Circumstances Could I Experience Failing Tooth Implants In Fort Worth, TX

Result of unsuccessful dental implantation - nerve break. Medically accurate dental 3D illustration.

While dental implant procedures are usually successfully performed by a skilled and trusted oral surgeon, in some cases, patients can experience failing tooth implants by Fort Worth, TX. There are numerous factors that can contribute to tooth implant failure. Interested in learning more about what causes people to have failing tooth implants? Continue reading to learn more about the various factors that can cause people to experience failing tooth implants.

Why I Have Failing Tooth Implants by Fort Worth, TX

Although a state-of-the-art oral surgeon has the advanced techniques and technologies to successfully place dental implants, sometimes tooth implant failure can still occur. The following are the specific reasons why people may have failing tooth implants

Quality of Tooth Extractions

The quality of tooth extractions plays a pivotal role in tooth implant failure. Improper or poorly executed tooth extractions can leave behind residual infections, damaged surrounding tissues, or it can create irregularities in the tooth implant site. These tooth extraction issues can make it hard for tooth implants to integrate with the patient’s jawbone, causing the patient to have unstable tooth implants.

Quality Of Prosthesis

Bad bridgework or poorly fabricated tooth crowns that are attached to the tooth implants can contribute to tooth implant failure. If the dental bridge or tooth crown is not accurately designed, fitted, or cemented onto the tooth implant, it can lead to patients having a misaligned or uncomfortable new smile. It can also lead to the patient having bone loss around their tooth implant, which can lead to tooth implant failure.

Poor Dental Implant Placement

The improper placements of tooth implants are another common reason for tooth implant failure. A tooth implant that is positioned at an incorrect angle or depth may not properly fuse with the patient’s jawbone, leading to an unstable smile and possible tooth implant failure.


Peri-implantitis is a cause of tooth implant failure. Peri-implantitis is characterized by the inflammation and infection of the tissues surrounding the tooth implant. It can occur due to poor oral hygiene practices, when bacteria can accumulate and thrive around the toot implant site. If not promptly treated, peri-implantitis can lead to tooth implant failure.

See Us Now So We Can Prevent You From Experiencing Failing Tooth Implants

To minimize the risk of tooth implant failure, you should come to our exceptional oral surgeon’s office. Not only can we treat you with a reliable tooth implant procedure, we can guide you on how to properly take care of your new smile so that you don’t have to experience tooth implant failure.

Why wait to improve your smile with us? Get in contact with Dr. Aaron Vickers, Dr. Tamir D. Anver, Dr. Li Hsing Loh, and our exceptional team at our Texas Center for Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today!

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